Béatrice Melissa – Release Party

2025-04-04 19:30:00
FRIDAY 4 APRIL 2025 - 7/30 PM

Béatrice Melissa – Release Party




SUPPORT : Clara Le Meur

Who is Beatrice? Who is Melissa? Could they be one and the same?
This is the question at the heart of Secret, the duo’s debut album—or at least, that’s what the music seems to suggest. If sound is an extension of ourselves, it can also become a character we shape. The main character of Secret isn’t visible to the human eye, and yet they give off an androgynous and timeless energy, rooted in multiple languages and spaces. As the album unfolds, we sense the fusion of two distinct energies combined into a single, composite being. Behind Secret lies a mélange of perspectives. Beatrice M., a Franco-British artist at the head of the label Bait, curates an innovative blend of syncopated UK club styles (mostly dubstep) and trancy techno grooves. Melissa Weikart, a French-American songwriter trained in classical piano with a deep passion for jazz, makes intimate avant-pop songs that embody her unique, hybrid approach to music-making. The diverse musical collaborations in Secret reinforce a dynamic that is central to both of their artistic journeys from the start, and these collaborations melt seamlessly into the album’s overall aesthetic.

Even when the BPM speeds up, we are carried along, suspended in BeatriceMelissa’s uncanny world. Beatrice Melissa, live @La Boule Noire on April 4th.