2025-03-24 19:30:00
MONDAY 24 MARCH 2025 - 7:30 PM





Like a textile artist, Flora Hibberd weaves layers of meaning into her music. Swirl, the
debut album from the British songwriter based in Paris, is a cycle of songs about codes and
decoding. Drawing upon her professional experience as a translator of art history texts,
Hibberd searches for slippages, where French and English words rub up against each other
in uncanny ways. Strange poetry appears in these moments, giving rare glimpses at life’s
hidden threads, and illuminating our understanding.
Swirl release date: January 17, 2025

Support: J.E. SUNDE

A classically trained musician and with a love of songwriters and performers such as
Leonard Cohen and Nina Simone, J.E Sunde writes densely poetic songs with a bent toward
the philosophical.
The man described by Libé as the author of “sumptuous folk pop transported by the most
moving voice in the genre since Nick Drake” collaborated on Flora Hibberd’s album Swirl,
and is thus the ideal person to open the evening.