La Boule Noire - JON ONJ

2024-02-06 20:00:00
Tuesday 6th February 2024 - 8:00pm


Promotor: JONKEN PON

Doors openning: 19:30



When he comes off stage, he’s often compared to Michael Jackson, Prince or Lenny Kravitz. But in real life he looks more like Lionel Richie from the sticks, with his haircut and big moustache. His thing is making rnb vibes over neo soul/nu funk productions. His music is greedy and sensual.

A world of vibrant colours, with a groove that slams. He explores all his inner voices and brings them out in all sorts of ways: head voice, chest voice, pitch voice, autotune voice, in English or in yoghurt.

He released his first self-produced album, FOCHAIN, in 2021, which earned him an Arte concert and solid media reviews (Tsugi, Jack, Trax, a track in rotation on FIP).

Live, he is surrounded by his boy band, made up of the best drummer, the best bassist and the best guitarist/keyboardist in France. He, on vocals and synthesizer, is France’s best singer/synthesizer. In all modesty, of course.

In early 2024, he’ll be releasing a new EP called Love Machine. So it was the perfect time for him and his band to present their new live show for the first time at La Boule Noire.